LDA437 additive is a multifunctional additive package for use in diesel fuel. Allows you to adjust diesel fuel lubricity, cetane number and electrical conductivity.
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1;Appearance, color;Yellow liquid
2;Density at 20<sup>o</sup>C, kg/m3;920-950
3;Viscosity at 20<sup>o</sup>C, mm<sup>2</sup>/s, no more than;2.5-5.0
4;Flash point in a closed crucible, <sup>o</sup>C, not lower than;63
5; Pour point, <sup>o</sup>C, not higher than; -39
The typical input rate is 500-600ppm. At these dosages, a lubricity for the corrected wear scar diameter of 400 µm and lower is achieved at the initial 550-600 µm, the cetane number increases by 3-4 units, and the electrical conductivity decreases by 300 pS/m or more.
Metal barrels 216.5 l, IBC container 1000 l, bulk tank container 20-22 tons